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How to register .COM.JM Jamaican Domain Name

COM.JM is the country code top level domain for Jamaica. To register your .COM.JM domain you will need to email the following information to dmaster@ns.jm. The registration is FREE and normally takes about 3-7 days.


1.   Top-level domain................: .jm

2.   Complete Domain Name............:

3a.  Organization name...............: 

3b.  Organization address............:

4.   Operational Date................:

Administrative Contact:

5a.  Name (Last, First)..............: 

5b.  Organization....................: 

5c.  Postal Address..................:           

5d.  Phone Number....................: 

5e.  Email Address...................:  

Technical/Zone Contact:

6a.  Name (Last, First)..............: 

6b.  Organization....................:

6c.  Postal Address..................:  

6d.  Phone Number....................: 

6e.  Email Address...................: 

7a.  Primary DNS Server Hostname.....:  

7b.  Primary DNS Server IP Address...:  

8a.  Secondary DNS Server Hostname...: 

8b.  Secondary DNS Server IP address.: 

9.   Domain/Org Purpose/Desc.:


The party requesting registration of this name certifies that, to her/his knowledge, 

the use of this name does not violate trademark or other statues.

Registering a domain name does not confer any legal rights to that name and any disputes 

between parties over the rights to use a particular name are to be settled between the 

contending parties using normal legal methods.

(See RFC 1591)

(1) The name of the top-level domain to join (EDU, GOV, COM, NET, ORG).

(2) The name of the domain (up to 24 characters). This is the name

that will be used in tables and lists associating the domain with the

domain servers addresses. While domain names can be quite long, the

use of shorter, more user-friendly names is recommended.

(3) The name and address of the organization for which the domain is being established.

(4) The date you expect the domain to be fully operational.

(5) The person's name, postal address, phone number, organization,

and email address. This is the contact point for administrative

and policy questions about the domain.

(6) The person's name, mailing address, phone number, organization,

and email address. This is the contact point for problems and

updates regarding the domain or zone.

NOTE: Domains must provide at least two independent servers for 

translating names to addresses for hosts in the domain. The 

servers should be in physically separate locations and on 

different networks if possible. The servers should be active

and responsive to DNS queries BEFORE this application is

submitted. Incomplete information in sections 7 and 8 or

inactive servers will result in delay of the registration.

(7) The primary server information.

(8) The secondary server information.

(9) Please briefly describe the organization for which this

domain is being registered. If the domain is for an organization

that already has a domain registered, please describe the

purpose of this domain.

Last Updated: December 15, 2015


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Last Name:*

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