A Favicon is a file containing one or more icons assoiciated with a website. The Favicon size is normally 32x32 or 64x64. It's displayed in the top left of your browser when you visit a website. Favicons help to ensure your website brand is prominently displayed through out your website. If you want to create different Favicons for different devices use the recommended sizes below.
16 x 16 – Standard size for browsers
24 x 24 – IE9 pinned site size for user interface
32 x 32 – IE new page tab, Windows 7+ taskbar button, Safari Reading List sidebar
48 x 48 – Windows site
57 x 57 – iPod touch, iPhone up to 3G
60 x 60 – iPhone touch up to iOS7
64 x 64 – Windows site, Safari Reader List sidebar in HiDPI/Retina
70 x 70 – Win 8.1 Metro tile
72 x 72 – iPad touch up to iOS6
76 x 76 – iOS7
96 x 96 – GoogleTV
114 x 114 – iPhone retina touch up to iOS6
120 x 120 – iPhone retina touch iOS7
128 x 128 – Chrome Web Store app, Android
144 x 144 – IE10 Metro tile for pinned site, iPad retina up to iOS6
150 x 150 – Win 8.1 Metro tile
152 x 152 – iPad retina touch iOS7
196 x 196 – Android Chrome
310 x 150 – Win 8.1 wide Metro tile
310 x 310 – Win 8.1 Metro tile
Last Updated: December 30, 2016