Symptoms: Your IMAP server wants to alert you to the following: Email is too large, limit size to less than 20 MB
Cause: Occasionally when customers try to sync up Outlook with our email servers, they might have one or more emails that contain attachments larger than 20MB. This causes issues with our system because we restrict the size of files that can be attached to messages.
Go to Outlook and run an Advanced Find. Click in the search box and a new menu “Search” will open – you will see the button for Search Tools and then Advanced Find.
In the new window “Advanced Find” – on the first line, click browse, and check all the folders and subfolders in the email account and click OK
Go to the second tab “More Choices” and only click the radio box that says “Only items with one or more attachments”. Do NOT click or add anything else.
Click Find Now (on the right).
When all the emails have been displayed, sort by SIZE. You are only interested in the emails that show up with a size of 0 (ZERO!). Open the emails and you will probably see that these emails have attachments that add up to over 20MB. Delete them – and then delete them again from the trash bin.
Close outlook and reopen it. Run Send/Receive All Folders and it should run without the error message.
Last Updated: March 3, 2015